Below is a
detailed listing of the information needed to complete
the application process. Please do not hesitate to
contact us for assistance!
General Business Information:
- Legal/Corp. and DBA (Doing Business As) name
- Federal Tax ID# or Social Security # (for sole
- Business mailing and location address
- Business telephone and fax number
- Contact name, email address
- Company's existing or future web site address
Ownership Information:
- Legal Entity Length of Time In Business
- Length of Current Ownership
- Name(s), Home Address(es), Telephone Number(s),
Social Security Number(s), of Owner(s)
Sales Information:
- Estimated Monthly Credit Card Sales
- Estimated Average Credit Card Sale Amount
- Percentage of credit card sales by mail order,
telephone order and retail/in-store purchases
- Refund policies
- How your product or service is advertised
- Name, address and phone number of current credit
card processor (if applicable)
- Merchant account number through current credit
card processor (if applicable)
Services Desired:
- Decide on the credit card types you will want to
accept in addition to MC/Visa
- Account information of any established accounts
with American Express or Discover Banking
Reference and Routing Information:
- Bank name and address
- Name and phone number of contact at bank
- Routing and checking account information (you can
get this information from one of your blank checks)
Merchant Signature and Initials:
- Please Initials page 3 of the application
- For signal applications two Signature are required
for Merchant on page 4. (Please sign the "By:" under
In witness whereof and at the end of the page by the
Guarantor section.
- For Co Applicants please follow above direction
and sign under main applicant and by the Guarantor
section. Total of 4 signatures are required, two per